Cheech and Chong - Dave

Friday, June 24, 2011

Guerilla grow America!

I know you guys have a gazillion bagseeds stashed away somewhere. Why not start planting them out in the woods somewhere? I have identified about 5-6 locations that I'm going to try to grow surreptitiously, don't know if I'll be able to get decent smokable weed or not, but it's worth a shot... If some of my seeds take, I can continue to plant more, my goal is to have 40-50 plants growing scattered around the region...

I recommend all heads start putting seeds in the ground now! Even if some of the plants are found and pulled, it can be a form of silent rebellion against our government's insane "war on drugs". I don't necessarily advocate planting in public view, in view of walking trails and parks, etc. but it's not hard to find locations in the woods out of sight with sufficient daylight and adequate or even superior soil. I don't recommend planting on your own land, unless you have plausible deniability. What are your thoughts?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Help help, I'm being repressed over here!

As much as I love living in America, there is a major drawback: I can't legally smoke weed. And this pisses me off. Most days I read Google Marijuana News and there are almost always stories of the cops confiscating marijuana.

That means that:
1. I must be very careful out there. The cops want to bust marijuana users.
2. There is less weed on the street, making prices higher.
3. It's harder to trust other smokers; who is a narc, is this guy trying to buy from or sell to me cool?
and finally, and this is the most important part:
4. The founding fathers acknowledged in the United States Declaration of Independence that all men have certain "Unalienable Rights", including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
I'm being repressed over here! Can I get some help?

America has been sold a bill of goods on Marijuana. Alcohol is continually being pushed in our culture, see the dumb*** Miller Lite commercials for example (if I don't drink Miller Lite, I must be a stupid (White Male) that is completely clueless). Marijuana users by contrast are portrayed as stupid, inarticulate morons and America believes this! This is bull**** -- we must fight back!

Your suggestions and thoughts are welcome.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Call to Arms - Marijuana Revolution Is In The Air!

Revolution is in the air! From Wikipedia: "...[P]rotests are an unprecedented revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests which have been taking place in the Middle East and North Africa... To date, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have seen revolutions of historical consequence, Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Oman and Yemen have all seen major protests... The protests have shared... the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to organise, communicate, and raise awareness in the face of attempts at state repression..."

What does that mean to us? The time for a Marijuana Revolution in America is now!

We must use Facebook, Twitter, blogs, photo and video hosting sites and other social media tools to bombard/swamp/deluge/flood all elected officials -- at the local, state and federal level -- with our discontent/dissatisfaction/disgust over America's failed war on marijuana. Most elected officials today are maintaining and monitoring Twitter and Facebook feeds/pages; it is up to us to leverage this new media to get our message out -- LOUD and CLEAR!

We must monitor the local and national news for "Marijuana injustices". For example, in New York City, possession of 25 grams or less of marijuana is punishable by a fine of $100 for the first offense; despite this, NYC cops are known to trick users into showing their weed, at which point they can cite them for possession of any amount in public where the marijuana is burning or open to public view, which is a class B misdemeanor and is punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine up to $500. We must be on the look out for these situations and we must use these new social media tools to HIGHLIGHT these police infringements on our rights. Wherever we find intolerance, or police misbehavior contrary to the letter and intent of the law, we must publicize it! (Moral to the NYC story: if you're in NYC, under no circumstances should you ever take out your weed - you will automatically move to a class B offense; they will take you down, book you, etc.)

As the US military is under a continual and unblinking eye of scrutiny the world over, so must the cops that are currently running roughshod on our rights as American citizens! I recommend, as a matter of policy, that we document with camera and video image every police action that we see.

We must post what we see on the Facebook pages of our elected officials, our commentary in the comments sections of online newspapers, and we must blog our thoughts about these misuses of our tax dollars. We must upload our media to Youtube, Flickr and other hosting sites for the world to see.

We have to be heard expressing our dismay over the current state of affairs!!! This is bull**** and only we can change it, straight people may be willing to go along with decriminalization/legalization efforts, but we can not expect them to spearhead this for us!!!

The Constitution of the United States of America does not give our federal government the power to create or enforce these bull**** laws. The Tenth Amendment explicitly states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved to the states or the people.
Gonzales v. Raich was a decision by the United States Supreme Court ruling that under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, the United States Congress may criminalize the production and use of home-grown cannabis even where states approve its use for medicinal purposes. This ruling is specious at best. Again -- the burden is on us, the dope smokers, to fight this!!! We have to be heard or continue to suffer under this persecution!

I believe the time is right. We can do this now. Americans support allowing us to burn in the privacy of our homes, provided we aren't smoking up with children, or driving stoned, or going to work stoned, or smoking in public, or pushing for "rights" that would underwrite stoned behaviors -- for example suing my workplace for medical treatment necessitated by my personal marijuana use.

I welcome your thoughts...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Betrayal from within, how marijuana users in CA were sabotaged by "fellow" marijuana users

It wasn't widely reported that Prop 19 had two groups of unlikely opponents; both of which are marijuana users.

The first group were the growers in California. They benefit from high street prices, as would any farmer. The legalization of marijuana could have undercut their profits. I understand that, and I don't hate them for voting against Prop 19, but it's important to "call a spade a spade": HYPOCRITES!!! In a nutshell your attitude is "F**k you, we have ours, and we really don't care about the rest of you that have to deal with criminalization and the cops. And one more thing, please continue to buy our pot on the black market, mama needs new shoes". -- Thanks for nothing guys, you suck.

The second group of opponents was also surprising. Within the MMJ community itself were opponents upset by the prospect of a decreased customer base. If marijuana had of been legalized in California, the rationale goes, consumers wouldn't need MMJ to get high, we could grow our own, our cool friends would be growing their own, we'd be sharing high-grade, inexpensive marijuana without needing "dispensaries" or "caretakers" for our supply.

Again: thanks for nothing guys, you suck, both of you.

(If we would have had their votes, it's almost certain that Prop 19 would have passed.)

The so-called "War on Drugs"

The so-called "War On Drugs" isn't a war on drugs, it's a war on marijuana. And more specifically, it's not a war on marijuana, it's a war on stoners, on heads, on people that use reefer: YOU and ME - peaceful, job holding, tax paying, otherwise law abiding citizens.

"Booze is GOOD and reefer is BAD": that's the message that's been pushed on Americans for the past several decades, and mainstream America has drunk the kool-aid.

It's way past time for change.

Marijuana as a Gateway Drug

An argument used by the opposition is that marijuana is a so-called "gateway drug". If by this they mean that many victims of heroin, cocaine, and other "hard" drugs used marijuana first, prior to moving on to the harder stuff, I concede the point. Most of us would probably agree, and I would expect studies would confirm this.

Having said that, we need to walk this dog a little further. How many users of marijuana (and the "hard" drugs) first used alcohol, or for that matter tobacco? If nicotine and alcohol are drugs that have a negative effect on society, and they are, and if we're interested in pursuing "gateway drugs", wouldn't it be reasonable to target them as well?

Put another way, if we are continuing to criminalize marijuana use because it's a gateway drug, shouldn't we also make tobacco and alcohol use illegal?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Topics for future posts

1. Two things must be discussed: Marijuana and Children, and Marijuana and Driving. If we are to make any traction with mainstream America, we must clearly articulate the need to keep legalized marijuana out of the hands of children. Also, mainstream America has a legitimate concern about stoned drivers. We must address both of these issues and offer real solutions for each.

2. The future for decriminalization/legalization efforts in America. Lessons learned the past year (Prop 19, Arizona, current struggles in Montana, etc.) Thoughts on the way ahead.

3. The effect of America's so-called "war on drugs" on the international community.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lessons learned from reading Google marijuana news

Lessons that I have learned from reading Google marijuana news

Don't get busted. If you get busted you will have less weed and the cops will have more, which they get for free. You will have less to share with me and your other cool friends. The cops don't share with anyone but their cop friends, and that doesn't do us any good, unless you're a cop. If you're a cop, don't read this, it doesn't apply to you. You can do whatever you want and because you're above the law, it won't matter. For us non-cops, read on.

Lesson one: If you have weed in your vehicle, don't get pulled over. Don't speed. Don't drive too slow. Don't leave your weed in plain view. Don't put your joints on the dash. Don't leave your bong on the seat. Don't leave your package of weed on the back seat. Don't let the cops see you toking, for that matter don't smoke while driving. If you must drive stoned, don't drive too slow, don't run off the road, don't have an accident, don't get pulled over for any reason. Busting us is big business. (See "Prison Song" by System Of A Down.) Every time you see or talk to a cop, they are looking for an excuse to search you and your vehicle, bring out the dogs, and steal your weed.

Lesson two: If you grow weed at your place don't tell anyone that might snitch on you. That means don't tell anyone that you wouldn't trust with your life. That might mean don't tell anyone at all. If you live with someone, don't have a domestic disturbance. If you live with someone that you fight with, don't grow weed. If you must grow weed, and you live with someone that you fight with, get rid of them. Don't have a domestic disturbance. When they call the cops, the cops will steal your weed and smoke it with their cop friends. You can grow weed, or have a contentious partner, but not both.

Don't call the cops to your house because the bike was stolen off the front porch. Don't let your neighbors smell your weed. Don't smoke it out front, don't let them see your weed through the window. Don't throw a pound of fan leaves, seeds, and stems in the fireplace. The cops are looking for an excuse to search you and your place, bring out the dogs, and steal your weed.

Lesson three: If you mail your weed, don't get busted. Wrap the weed tight and triple bag it in plastic. Use brown paper to double wrap it so you can't see the weed. Shape the package of weed so it will fit snugly in a standard USPS mailer. Don't mail it to 'Grandpa Jones', this is suspicious. Try to make your package look, weigh, and feel like something that is commonly mailed, other than weed. Don't get busted. If you get busted that means more weed for the cops who don't share and less weed for us cool people that do.

If you don't get busted, you'll have more weed. There will be more weed for us, and less weed for the cops, who don't share with non-cops. The more weed there is for us, the lower the street prices will be. Don't get busted, I'm tired of cops getting our weed and bogarting it. Don't get busted.

Happy smoking!
Google Marijuana news